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College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers exams in five subject areas, covering material taught in courses that you may generally take in your first two years of college. Most CLEP exams are designed to correspond to one-semester courses, although some correspond to full-year or two-year courses.
Registering for CLEP exams at Camden County College
- To register for CLEP testing, please visit clep.collegeboard.org and complete the CLEP Registration Form and make payment for the CLEP Test.
- Once you have completed the registration process at clep.collegeboard.org, please email your CLEP Registration Ticket to testing@tiemles.com. Please make sure to include your phone number in the email.
- Please visit or call the Blackwood Campus Testing Center to schedule a CLEP appointment. CLEP Testing is offered by appointment only. No walk-ins can be accepted. Appointments will be made after the CLEP Exam Registration Ticket has been received. The $15 CCC administrative fee must be made payable by money order only to Camden County College and will be brought on the test date.
- Students are responsible for contacting the school they attend or plan to attend, to confirm what tests they must take, whether optional essays are required and how credit will be awarded.
- Photo I.D. is required to take CLEP Exams. Please visit clep.collegeboard.org for a listing of acceptable IDs and other information.
- The Camden County College Testing Center is located in the Blackwood Campus Library, 2nd Floor, Room 200.
- For information about how to prepare for CLEP Testing, and to view CLEP Remote Proctoring options, please visit: http://clep.collegeboard.org. Camden County College is not involved in registering or administering of CLEP Remote Proctoring, this service is provided exclusively through CollegeBoard.
Mailing Address
Camden County College Testing Center
PO Box 200
Blackwood, NJ 08012
Contact Information
856-227-7200 ext. 4710
Current CLEP exams and CCC equivalencies (as of 1/2020)
CLEP Exams | Camden County College Equivalent | Credits |
American Government | POL-103 American Federal Government | 3 |
American Literature | ENG- 281 American Literature | 3 |
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature | ENG-121 Intro to Literature | 3 |
Biology | No CCC equivalent | 0 |
Calculus | MTH-140 Calculus I | 4 |
College Algebra | MTH- 114 College Algebra for Business & Social Science | 3 |
College Composition – please contact Testing Center to register for correct exam (College Composition Modular) | No CCC equivalent | 0 |
College Composition Modular | ENG-101 English Composition I | 3 |
College Mathematics | MTH-107 Math for Liberal Arts | 3 |
English Literature | ENG 261 English Literature I | 3 |
Financial Accounting | No CCC equivalent | 0 |
French Language (Levels 1 & 2) | Level 1 score – FRE 101, FRE 102 Level 2 score – FRE 101, FRE 102, FRE 201 |
6 total 9 total |
German Language (Levels 1 & 2) | Level 1 score – GER 101, GER 102 Level 2 score – GER 101, GER 102, GER 201 |
6 total 9 total |
History of the U.S. I: Early Colonizations to 1877 | HIS-121 U.S. History I | 3 |
History of the U.S. II: 1865 to the present | HIS-122 U.S. History II | 3 |
Humanities | TRN-HUM LS/Humanities Elective | 3 |
Human Growth and Development | PSY 109 Developmental Psychology | 3 |
Information Systems and Computer Applications | No CCC equivalent, please contact Computer Information System Department for Credit By Exam at (856) 227-7200 x4423 | 0 |
Introductory Business Law | LAW-101 Business Law | 3 |
Introduction to Educational Psychology | PSY-103 Educational Psychology | 3 |
Introductory Psychology | PSY-101 Basic Psychology | 3 |
Introductory Sociology | SOC-101 Intro to Sociology | 3 |
Natural Sciences | TRN-SCI Science Elective | 3 |
Pre-calculus | MTH-125 Accelerated Pre-calculus | 4 |
Principles of Macroeconomics | ECO-101 Macroeconomics | 3 |
Principles of Marketing | MKT-101 Principles of Marketing | 3 |
Social Sciences & History | TRN- SOC Social Science Elective | 3 |
Spanish Language (Levels 1 & 2) | Level 1 score – SPA 101, SPA 102 Level 2 score – SPA 101, SPA 102, SPA 201 |
6 total 9 total |
Spanish with Writing (Levels 1 & 2) | Level 1 score- SPA 101, SPA 102 Level 2 score –SPA 101, SPA 102, SPA 201, SPA 202 |
6 total 12 total |
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 | HIS-111 Western Civilization I | 3 |
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present | HIS-112 Western Civilization II | 3 |
- CLEP College Algebra – Effective 6/2/12, with a passing score score, MTH 114 is awarded to CCC students.
- College Composition Modular – The CCC English Department requires a departmental CLEP essay. Please contact Testing Center for more information before registering.
- CLEP College Mathematics – Effective 6/2/12, with a passing score, MTH 107 is awarded to CCC students.
- CLEP French Language – Effective 1/1/16, Level 2 changing from 12 credits to 9 credits at CCC.
- CLEP German Language – Effective 1/1/16, Level 2 changing from 12 credits to 9 credits at CCC.
- CLEP Pre-Calculus – Effective 6/2/12, with a passing score, MTH 125 is awarded to CCC students.
- CLEP Spanish Language – Effective 1/1/16, Level 2 changing from 12 credits to 9 credits at CCC.
- CLEP Spanish with Writing – New test effective 10/1/19. If Level 2 score met, student awarded 12 CCC credits.
*** CLEP Spanish with Writing is not replacing CLEP Spanish Language test. ***