Immigration and Refugee Resources

Camden Center for Law & Social Justice
The Camden Center for Law & Social Justice provides low-cost legal assistance to immigrants and refugees unable to afford a private attorney.

Visit Camden Center for Law & Social Justice website for more information or call 856-583-2950.

126 N. Broadway
2nd Floor
Camden, NJ 08103

Catholic Charities of South Jersey (Camden Office)
Catholic Charities of South Jersey work in coordination with local social services, healthcare providers and volunteers to provide immigration, refugee and migration services to clients in South Jersey.

For more information visit or call 856-342-4100.

First Friends of NJ and NY
First Friends offers volunteer visitation to detained immigrants and asylum seekers, resettlement assistance, and advocacy.

For information on how to get help, visit or call (908) 965-0455

53 South Hackensack Ave.
Kearny, NJ 07032

American Friends Service Committee
The AFSC provides immigration legal counseling and advocates for immigration and civil rights.

Call 215-241-7000 to connect with resources that may help. Learn more about AFSC programs at

1501 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102

National Immigration Law Center
The National Immigration Law Center (NILC) contains extensive up-to-date information about DACA, advocacy, and general advice and information.

Visit the following links for more specific information: